Use Packing Checklists To Organize Your Vacation Planning
With the right packing checklists and travel packing tips, your trip to Victoria BC will be a success!
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Begin with a proper travel bag. Don't make the mistake we made on our first trip abroad by having a bag that just doesn't meet your needs. Here are some of the things you'll need to think about when you're starting to plan for your trip: 
- Documentation
- Medications
- Toiletries
- Clothing
- Miscellaneous Items
To help you get organized, we've created printable packing checklists for your convenience in PDF format (usable by both PC and MAC users). Our packing checklist gives you great travel packing tips and has a lot more detail in each of the categories listed above. We think you'll find it helpful, whether you're traveling to see us in Victoria British Columbia or going somewhere else in the world. But please let us know if you find the packing checklists to be helpful, or if you think we've missed the mark somehow. We aim for constant improvement!
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